Beginning in February 2021, Facebook will be limiting the number of ads on a page. These ads will run based on the highest month’s ad spend from the previous year. The Improving Ad Performance Through Ad Volume Guidance sets the limits based on advertiser size as...

Google rolls out new search algorithm, Bert

After RankBrain, BERT is the biggest update by Google Search and is likely to impact 1 in 10 search queries. The previous major algorithm update, RankBrain was introduced by the company around 5 years ago. BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from...

3 simple ways to make the most of long-tail keywords

To improve your SEO it is essential to find and make the most of every opportunity. With digital marketers these days, the first thing they turn to is finding keywords that have a high search volume. However, doing so is not as beneficial as it seems. Competing with...

Pay per click updates for November 2019

Here are the latest pay per click updates we have curated for you this month. With the holiday season coming up, Google rolls out holiday updates for merchants with some latest features Determine whether TrueView video discovery ads are the better option for your...